Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Best Practices

What is an SOQ?

  • A narrative discussion of your experience, skills, significant tasks, projects, activities, operations that relate to desirable qualifications listed in the examination or Job Opportunity Bulletin
  • Allows for you to speak in depth about specific work, experience or how you executed a project utilizing specific skills.
  • Go in depth beyond your application and resume
  • Filters the candidate pool
  • Gets you into the interview

Strong SOQ

  • Must meet all format requirements (e.g., font, margins, number of pages)
  • Tailored for each bulletin you apply for
  • Speaks to the desirable qualifications for the vacancy or examination
  • Invest time into the SOQ, do not wait to start until you find the perfect job
  • Aligns with all the other documents in the application package

Tips to Get Started

  • Keep an accomplishments and project list during your career
    • Think about the projects, significant tasks, activities or programs you did
    • Consider outside experience as well, volunteer, non-profit, internships etc.
  • Itemize into broad categories: Leadership, Coordination, Strategic planning, Communication etc.
  • List the strongest examples that apply specifically for that vacancy or exam
    • Go as far back as you need to come up with examples, read past duty statements
  • Break down the job bulletin, understand the job- duties, roles, responsibilities, desirable qualifications, and list experience that is transferable to that duty statement
  • They may provide the generic SOQ question (Tell us how your training, experience or education qualify you for this position?) or may ask a specific question(s) submitting a general SOQ will remove you from the competition

Common Mistakes & Solutions:

  • Using the same SOQ for all jobs; tailor the SOQ to each job you are applying to
  • Typographical mistakes
    • After you proofread your SOQ, have someone else read it too
  • Using jargon or acronyms
    • Explain and do not make assumptions they know what you are talking about
  • Not spending enough time dedicated to developing your SOQ- provide relevance to the bulletin with your education, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience
  • Passive vs. Active voice- “was the manager” vs. “managed”
  • Use words that add value, action verbs
  • Provide specific examples versus generic or too vague